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Just Keep Swimming

Sometimes you are just one right decision away from making your dreams a reality so don't be the person to give up on the final hurdle in front of you.

Showing up repeatedly is hard; when you do it seeing little to no progress, it is hard to maintain the energy and intensity to keep going.

It is very easy to get to a stage in life where all you want to do is stop, give up, run away and travel the world.

Don’t give up on your dream and as Dory in Finding Nemo said, ‘Just keep swimming!’


Momentum is the most important thing to maintain. Even if you feel you’ve slowed down and are making little progress, you are still moving forward. Your goal should be to not stop!

Momentum doesn't flow at a consistent speed. Momentum accelerates and decelerates through life. The only thing to stop it is you and your decision to quit.

Sometimes I talk with friends who have had moments of clarity and thought of their next big idea that will bring them success. I usually sit back, say little and just observe. I used to think this way. I used to think that one great idea would come to me and then my life would take off.

I don't believe this at all now. The problem is that most of them are not thinking long enough into the future with their big ideas. They are looking for short-term success and relative ease in their journey.

To make it work you need to stick it out despite there being little hope. You need to have patience and a vision that you stick to. You need to be able to learn along the way. You need to be able to just keep swimming despite everything the world is telling you.

Having studied, spoken and listened to many people, I’ve learnt the only way to succeed is by never giving up. Eventually, something will happen and you need to be ready to pounce on that opportunity and make it work.

You’ll only get these opportunities by sticking it out through the highs and lows and keeping momentum flowing.

Momentum can't stop. It needs to flow continuously.


We all want our dreams to come true and we want them to come true immediately.

As humans we are programmed to want more, it’s natural. Patience is sometimes the hardest thing to develop.

Patience doesn't mean stopping, sitting and waiting. Patience means working hard but with a very limited timeline. Allow your progress to bring you opportunities rather than your impatience. As they say, 'You should never go to the supermarket when you are starving'.

Work hard on something because you love it and see progress because you've set no timeline and therefore reduced any pressure for results.

Patience and understanding are aligned here. As long as you show up and keep momentum then you'll achieve what you've set out to achieve.

I am a firm believer that if I can see it then it's possible. If I don't believe I can do it and give up then someone else with a stronger mind and more willpower will bring it to life.

Everything is possible. You need to believe that you're the only person able to make your dream a reality, and with that, you need to develop a level of patience to recognise the space that’s needed to understand how and the time you need to grow to become the right person to do so.

Patience allows for progress to compound and growth to become exponential.


What is your truth? Why do you want to start this company, build this product or sell this service? Why do you want a better life?

A lot of the time we deny the fact that financial freedom and success are our drivers and that’s ok. These are not bad motivators for success. However, if you start something for the sole basis to make money your connection to the business or service will not be as true and strong. When times get tough, it will be a lot easier to give up.

I’m a firm believer that your chances of success and making money increase when you do something you love. Clock-watching doesn't exist in this world and passion overrides anything else.

When someone is building a company out of pure passion and connection to the idea then they are more likely to be speaking their truth.

Money will come and probably in larger quantities than you could have imagined but probably when you focus on it less as a goal.

People respond to emotion and feel authenticity when it's in front of them. Selling a product is a lot easier when you can passionately tell a client why you believe in it. People trust authentic people who they don't feel are trying to just make a living. Working for your truth encompasses this.

When building in this way you’ll find it far easier to keep momentum and keep swimming. Excitement will still be a driving force for more and with it will come a far greater level of fulfilment.

Truth should be your mirror.

Ask yourself why and you’ll learn your true intentions and motivators.


A short and simple post this week but one that hopefully connects with a few of you. I have to admit that I’ve struggled recently with these posts. I’ve struggled to write them with as much passion, I've struggled to start thinking about them early enough, and I’ve struggled to be happy with them.

I realised recently why. I’d forgotten why I’d started this in the first place. I’d forgotten my truth. I wanted to improve my writing ability and express my thoughts in a written form more so than a verbal one. Instead, I got caught up in just writing them so as not to break New Year's Resolution, which most of you probably forgot about.

Once I switched to this again writing became easy. I found a flow and increased my momentum. I could have quit and found more time in the week to focus on my other goals, and it was considered, but as that little blue fish reminded me, I need to just keep swimming and flow through this state towards one of inspiration and focus.

Thanks, Dory.



I am Will Flindall, host of the Valley of Outlaws Podcast where I speak to those who have decided to take control of their life and follow a passion or instinct.

If you feel like you could be getting more from your life, then maybe one of the conversations I’ve had with the Outlaws might help you kickstart a change.

Peace x


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